13.01.2025, Monday

Administrative Territorial Structure

The Republic of Karakalpakstan is located in the north-western part of Uzbekistan, in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya, on the southern coast of the Aral Sea. The south-western part of the Republic adjoins the Karakum Desert. In the north-west is the Ustyurt lowland, and in the north-eastern part - the Kyzylkum desert. The southern part of the Aral Sea is located in the territory of Karakalpakstan. The total area of ​​Karakalpakstan is 166.6 thousand km2 and by the size of the territory it occupies the first place among the regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Borders with Khorezm, Navoi and Bukhara regions.

The administrative-territorial structure of the Republic consists of 16 districts and 1 city: the Amudarya, Beruni, Karauzyak, Kegeley, Bozataw, Kungrad, Canlikul, Muynak, Nukus, Takhtakupir, Turtkul, Khodjeli, Takhiatash, Chimbay, Shumanay, Ellikkala and Nukus.
