21.01.2025, Tuesday


Number of permanent residents. The population of the Republic of Karakalpakstan as of April 1, 2019 is 1875.4 thousand people. This figure increased by 5,300 people, or by 0.3% in January-March 2018. The urban population is 920.4 thousand people (49.2% of the total population), the rural population - 955.0 thousand people (50.8%).

Studies conducted on the territory of the Republic show that as of April 1, 2019 the population of the city of Nukus is 316.3 thousand people (16.9% of the population of the whole republic) and Turtkul region - 211.1 people (11.2% ), the most sparsely populated areas were Muynaksky - 31.4 thousand people (1.7%) and Tahtakupyr - 39.8 thousand people (2.1%).


Demographic state

number of permanent residents by districts

(as of April 1, 2019, in relation to the total population of the republic, in%)